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(Source: S.B. Pryor)

9 Trips to
Campo Winter
Age: 67-74

In this diary Alfred records 9 trips he made to Campo Winter, his camp in the Chaco province on the shores of the Rio Bermejo.  Notice that most trips were made in the cool of winter (May-August).

Campo Winter, 4 sq.leagues (10,000 ha.), was given by the federal government to General Lorenzo Vintter (1842-1915) for services rendered in campaigns against the indians (see Wikipedia).  Alfred bought it in 1917 from Vintter’s daughters.  He later added another 8,000 hectareas to its east (see map); all of it was sold after his death in 1937.  It was located on the the southern shores of the Rio Bermejo, 10 km. north-east of the town of Zapallar, today Gral. J. de San Martin.  It was bordered to its south by estancia El Bermejo.
   The first mayordomo (hired manager) at Campo Winter was apparently Tuckey (no title).  In 1930, Mr. Hamilton is managing it (at $500 per month), there is no mention of when he started nor why Tuckey left.  The Miss Spackman mentioned is Phyllis Enid Spackman, governess to John & Mary Horner, and at one time was engaged to Mr. Hamilton.

El Bermejo, 10 sq.leagues (25,000 ha.), estancia owned by a British company, the The Bermejo Estancia Co. Ltd., in which Alfred’s brother John held shares; John also oversaw the management of the estancia (see John's diaries for details).  During the period of these diaries (1927-1934), it was managed by Mr. Armitage until October 30, 1930, thereafter by Mr. Brownrigg.

~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~

All the trips begin and end at Alfred’s estancia “Las Tres Lagunas” (which he shortens to ‘3 Lag’), next to Las Rosas, Santa Fé — approx. 100 km. NW of Rosario.  He recorded the first seven trips almost entirely in pencil, the last two in ink.  His handwriting becomes shakier and harder to read with each trip.

NOTE: To assist you with Spanglish terms and names local to the region, please open and have at hand (in a separate tab / window) the Reference Pages.

To access a transcription, click: the title.  To see the page images of a particular trip, (i) if you haven't already done so, click  PDF file to download the images; (ii) go to the page shown for the trip.

1927 - July 13 to 24
Accompanied by Willie (nephew William A. Benitz).
(PDF file page: 5)
1928 - August 14 to 24
Accompanied by Jim Bell (niece Bernice’s husband); Jim volunteered to assist any time.
(PDF file page: 9)
1929 - July 18 to August 17
Accompanied by Olga and Sykes.  Los Palmares is mentioned.  Olga returns after Campo Winter.  With Sykes visited Posadas, Iguazu (stranded, long stay), & Asunción.
(PDF file page: 12)
1930 - October 20 to November 4
Accompanied by Jim Bell.  Bothered by flies & mosquitos.  Visited new camp: El Sombrerito.
(PDF file page: 21)
1931 - May 9 to June 4
Took Campbell-Orde along to “make up books” at Campo Winter.  Rainy damp trip.
(PDF file page: 25)
1932 - April 21 to May 6
Accompanied by Jim Bell.  Livestock tallies - branded cattle: 6,941, horses: 322.  Also visited Formosa & Paso del Tigre.
(PDF file page: 31)
1932 - September 18 to October 5
Accompanied by Olga, Miss Spackman, & Mary.   Hot weather.
(PDF file page: 37)
1933 - July 1 to 30
Accompanied by Olga, Miss Spackman, Mary, & John (Olga’s niece & nephew, Mary & John Horner).  Cold frosty weather.
(PDF file page: 42)
1934 - September 8 to 28
Accompanied by Olga, Miss Spackman, Mary, & Malcolm (nephew Willie’s son). 
(PDF file page: 50)

Transcription notes:  We have transribed Alfred’s diary as written, verbatim, without corrections to spelling or grammar.  We have not modified his shorthand (e.g. ac - on account of; f - from, etc.), nor corrected his hurried spelling errors; however, we did give him the benefit of the doubt for some squiggles (e.g. m vs. n vs. u, and vowels: a vs. o, e vs. i).  For words that are unrecognizable, we have inserted our best guess followed by: [?].  Our comments are within [square brackets and italics] or in side-notes.  (Transcribed by: René Benitz)

The 9 Trips

Rosario 419
Esquina 855 43 6 24
Corrientes 1208
LasPalmar 1265

1927 - July 13 to 24


Trip to Vermejo

[Begins at Ea. “Las Tres Lagunas”, Las Rosas/SFé]
July 13th Warm day Strong North wind
Dipping Marked calves from No 9.-
Fleury went to Rosario & at noon telefoned that his wife got a boy.

Left in afternoon train for Rosario & Willies meet there tomorrow.  Stop at Palace Hotel.  Cinema at night  Telegrafed in morning to Tony Agar that we were going up to Resistencia.


French Holiday. In morning got tickets for Resistencia, went to Van Wyk dentist who exrayed my mouth & did varis scrapings which improved my teeth. Had lunch at Club and bridge with Middleton, Higginson & Ainsworth lost $5.-
Took the train 4.45 P.M. French Station with Willie Luckily the weather had turned cooler S wind already

15   Hotel Europa

Resistencia. Arrived here 8 PM & had dinner. Met at Golondrina [RR station] Mr Miller surveyor who said had been at El Rincon this summer.- Also travelled with the Head Enginer of Forester as far as Charadai [RR station]. Traded with a man with a Dodge to take us to Campo Winter for $130. & baggage.- Warm balmy day.  Roads supposed to be good.  Say had auto race to Zapallar & back last Sunday in 5 hours.

Campo Winter —16— pleasant warm day. Left Resistencia at 7.30 A.M. as had to await cuffee. Very sleepy place.

Roads dry but rough & Dodge rather too low on ground. Got to Guaycuru river in 2 hours 10 minutes, & arrived at Zapallar 2 P.M.  Had a snack of bread & ham in front of Fernandez house.-

Saw Ancar & Shultz at Zapallar.  arrived at Campo Winter at 3.15.-  Things look dry but cattle seem all right.  Car went back to Resistencia after paying $130.  quite worth it, but guess a lighter higher car would have been better.-

Campo Winter —17— Warm balmy day.
In morning motored to Asolas with Willie and Tuckey. Bought 32 mts ◊ of bramauto[?] to cover car @ 75 ◊ mt.- Also a box of fancy Paraguayan cigars for $9- 25.  In afternoon Willie & I motored to Estancia Cia Vermejo & had tea with Kember family who won playing tennis.  There were Juan Young Mendizabal, another young chap, & an old man Gunn.  Fotografed the house (nice wonder house.)  Peones caught a tatu and a mulita.—

—— 18 ——

Campo Winter. Warm day N wind clouding over in evening.—

Rodeo (in corral) was put on in envernada potrero, about 1300 head. Cuented about 300 big 4 yr novillos.—
Mendizabal,     Hardy & another chap turned up & revised the novillos.  Traded with Mendezabal & hijo of Los Amens 450 novillos @$50 to be taken by 1 months time or before A glipir [?].  In afternoon had on rodeo towards Vermejo Co. About 1400.  Recorrered towards side with Willie & Tuckey. Camp looks dry but cattle in good condition considering they had aftosa a short time ago.- Peons had cought a couple of mulitas & tatu yesterday.  Ought to keep some more mares.  Cinch grass seems to be coming in which would do the camp a lot of good.—

CWinter —— 19 — 30° Tuesday..
Left this morning about 7.15 & went to revise the Sombrerito camp went to east gate, then to puesto of Celestino Gonzales & then to lag [laguna] Sombrerito which has plenty of water. See some ageno cattle in camp which is very pastoso & looks good camp & only monte on south side. Recommended Tuckey to divide the camp in half, about at Puesto distances: 8200 to gate W. C Winter
19K to west gate of Sombrorte camp [Sombrerito]
2.6 " E gate of Sombrorte camp
2.7 " puesto of Celestino
6.7 " Sombrerito Lake.—

  In afternoon Willie & Tuckey went to Zapallar to see if any telegrams & on way back called at the Vermejo Co. estancia.  Making preparation to leave tomorrow for puesto Vermejo. & home.-
Hot north wind 30° below corridor.—
Told Tuckey would give $10.- for the giant cane roots to plant here, to be found in Ralfes camp.

Wednesday — 20 — Strong North wind hot.
Puerto Vermejo- Hotel Progreso.-
Left Estancia Campo Winter about 7 Am & arrived 2.30 PM here.  Tuckey driving car roads rough in parts, between Estancia Espedicion & this side of Gandolfi.  Stopped at Arecos about 9.30 to see if any one was there to show us cattle for sale about ¾ hour. distances: 65.200 to Arecos from CWinter 78 more to P. Vermejo last about 7 Kil on road, making 136K about.- 27.2 leagues from C Winter.
Poor hotel (Progreso).  Saw Areca who is ill & wants to get away. Asks $200 to pick 50 or 60 from his bulls (234 2 yr & up.) & wants $80.- for all of his cattle conpromise of more or less 1200 head (234 bulls 2 yr up 100 yearlings) 866 cows & vaq y yearling vaq.-  Will see about revising tomorrow.  Saw Arca & Santos who were very attentive.  Sent telegram to OB to await us on Sunday. Steamer going down tomorrow night. (Lambare.)  Went to Belvadere with Juez de Paz: Ruiz & Dillen [Killen / Willen?] manager of xtract factory. E.B. Cazelet.

S.S. Lambare- — 21 Thursday. Hot dry N wind, town full of dust.-

Tuckey left for CWinter. Willie went with him as far as Areco (15 leagues) to revise the cattle & came back with Ruiz the juez. 6.50 PM.  Went to see Areco & traded for 200 picked cows & heifers @ $100 and 50 bulls at $165.  To be picked from all his cattle.  Wrote to Tuckey to take the cattle away as soon as he can. I have copy of letter. Left at 11 PM on Lambare for Rosario, (cabin 39) only one cabin as the purser says steamer is full. Before getting on bord went to Belvedere when saw Cazielet, Barrington, Santos and dancing going on.  quite a place! (E B Cazalot) offered to do anything up here.  Ruiz the juez seems a very decent chap.

S.S. Lambaré—22—Friday.-

In morning about 7 am stopped a bit at Corrientes & guess will get to Goya about 8 P.M.  Wind had changed to strong south looks as if temporal.  Not much going on, on board which seems very full.-  Some Americans on board interested in Tobacco growing .- Tonight at Goya Mr Watkin & Francis got on bord & we played bridge. won $6.-

Cold S wind— 23 —Saturday.- Clear bragcing day

All day on bord Lambare and arrive at Rosario 10 P.M. went to Palace Hotel.  Played bridge good deal today with Walkin & Won $2.-
Steamer gradually got full up & on about 3 hours late. Saw Van Dusen & 2 other Americans awhile & had drinks

Sunday — 24 — Frost & N wind.
Left Rosario 6.30 train for LRosas.  Young Astengo & Suarez were on board also Dorando.-  Seems all’s well.  Miss Colville Jones & Noreen Clark are stopping here, also Sykes  Geo Middleton, Doherty, & C. Leburn.-

1928 - August 14 to 24

1928 August.

Aug 14th Tuesday.  Left Rosario with Jim Bell 5.15 P.M. for Chaco.- Pastero was on train

—— 15 ——

Wednesday - Hotel Europa Resestencia.
Reached Resestencia 8 P.M. quite a good journy.  Only saw Santiago Carron on train. They say roads are very bad to Zapallar.  Will await Goday who does the trips to Zapallar & is returning tomorrow from there. Lots of water on sides of RR.  Big remati of cattle at Feris’ lelle [Feria Lelle?] today.

— 16 —

Thursday.  Hotel Europa. Resistencia.
Called on at Guasti, Ancar & Dr Winter but none were at home.
After lunch motored to Barranqueros & back to see progress.  Making a fine road to out there. Arranged with Goday to take us to Campo Winter for $150. tomorrow & a carburator for Alberto Almeri who is the driver of Ford.  Saw Tracey Walker agent of Ford. Went to cinema at night.  El Gaucho.- Also had drinks at Savoy Hotel. Very fine hotel.

Friday. — 17 — Fine warm day.- Hotel Medina. Zapallar.

After buying a few provisions & a rope left for Zapallar at 8 AM arriving here at 8.15 PM very bad road, about 25 leagues of mud.  3 cars went together? Goday with a lady dentist & A Abiago [?] with a married daughter & children.  Lunched (picnic) at Zapala Cua [Zapiola Cua?] & about 10 leagues from here met Garicache & Irving of Swifts who were stranded.

— 18 —

Saturday.  Campo Winter 29° hot day.

After breakfast left Zapallar for here  Roads quite dry.  Alberto Almeri (Brown 606 Resistencia) brought us all the way.  Everything looks well & lots of chacra work being done. Rhodes grass seems to be a success. Pottered around the place in afternoon on foot, & in morning we went with Tucky to the port, where a steamer & chata were being unloaded. & xpecting to go down on Wednesday.

— 19 —

Sunday. Campo Winter 28° nice day. East wind. In morning looked like rain but cleared off.  In morning brought up cattle from envernada potrero about 800 head: about 550 novillo of all ages and about 200 Areco cows looking quite well.  Marked my colts 18 hembras 12 machos 2 mules..  After siesta called on at Cia Vermejo estancia & had tea with Mr & Mrs Armitage. Said house had cost 38000. Seemed to have trouble finding water. Meakim was there also.-

— 20 —

Monday. Campo Winter 29°
Fine forenoon & hot afternoon. Getting cloudy.  Had on rodeo east side about 1000 head, looking well. Afterwards rode to Alderetis tapera. If rain comes grass would be fine. Looking into accounts.

Aug 21 - 1928

Campo Winter. Tuesday Hot day 30°
Motored to Sombrerito with Tuckey & Bell. Rodeo was on there to part some sarnosas to dip here.  Went to Laguna Media Luna: total there & back here 65 K.  Sent to Zapallar to see if Goday is going down to Resistencia.  Celestino Gonzales is in charge of Sombrerito camp.
No news of Goday. Telg from home saying 2 bulls & ram had arrived.

22 Wednesday

Campo Winter 27° not so warm
Motored with Bell & Tuckey to Zapallar to see about going down to Resistencia tomorrow.  Rec’d telegram from Albero Almeri saying he was leaving Resistencia today. In afternoon Ward of Aroaz camp brought about 100 animals to dip also the ones from Sombrerito.  He stops the night.
Tuckey signed conforme to his account to 15/8.

Aug 23

Thursday.  Hotel Europa, Resistencia
Warm day.  Tuckey motored Jim & I to Zapallar at 5 AM & found Alberto Almeri awaiting us with broken car, but managed to fix it up & left about 11 AM  Roads very bad still.  Were pulled out of pantano at Pajarito.  Arrived here 7 P.M.  lunched at boliche Fernandez.  At Zapallar we met Miller of Pampa del Indio also son of Feliciano Ramirez.


Friday. On train for Rosario.
left 5.50 AM Resestencia. ac of Hotel Europa was not made but so did not pay it: will send cheque. Fraire & 3 daughters met us at Calchaqui.  Gave Jim Bell cheque for $1000.- for trip. He said he would go up any time if necesary
Warm day for travelling.—

1929 - July 18 to August 17


July 18th
[Begins at Ea. “Las Tres Lagunas”, Las Rosas/SFé]

Yesterday evening after a warm muggy day changed to south & a few drops of rain. and 2°+ Looks as if going to be a cold dry spell.-

Left with Sykes to C de G. after lunch & caught the 1.35 train to Rosario, & then took the 5.15 train to Resistencia. B & Leburn had reserved our beds & tickets.- Each has a camaroh [camarote ?].


Hotel Savy Resistencia. Cold day S wind
Arrived at Resistencia at 7.50 PM. Tried to find information re road to Zapallar.  Had rained a lot as lots of water along side of RR.  Echevarria of Los Palmares was on train.  Played patense [patience ?] with Sykes.-


Hotel Savoy, Resistencia.  Cold day S wind. over cast but cleared up by night.-
Saw Gimenez the car owner who took us to CWinter with OB 1924 & he promised to take us out & back by Thursday for $170. also taking us about there free. Went to Phahfl saddlery & bought a recado for 92.- complete xcept sheep skin.  Also went to Nacion bank & got a giro on Asuncion for $1000. comison 6.75 in case we need it.  In afternoon motored to Barranqueras & got timetable of steamers from Mihanovich [co. doing trips between B.A. & Asuncion] agency.
Later we went to Cinema Volga Volga quite good.  quite full.  Lot of pasengers at Hotel tonight as there is a dance at Social Club.

— 21 —

Campo Winter.  Cleared up & was a fine day. Left with Gimenez in his Rugby at 7.30 AM & arrived at Zapallar 150 Kil at 4 PM & then to Campo Winter at 5 PM 25 Kil.  Had fiambres from Hotel & lunch at a boliche about 50 K from Zapallar -
Mr Hamilton was away at Estancia Cia Vermejo in the Camion & we sent for him & to bring a bed which were short of here.  Had 111 mm rain on the 9th & camp & cattle looking well.-

July 22 1929

Campo Winter.  Lovely day E wind Slight.  Went with Hamilton in camion & Sykes in morning to the Port & called on Azola.  Said frights [freights?] from Zapallar to Bessstencu [Resistencia?] was $110 ton trap both ways in dry time. Othewise 140.-
Cotton at Estancia gave abot 2 tons to hectaria but costs 10 cts kilo to gather.-  River not very high nor low.  Rained only 58 mm at Port from 1st May last year to end of May this year had rained 1070 mm.-
After siesta we motored to the new well in Sombrerito camp & back 46 Kil-.  Stopped at Campo Aroaz & saw Ward asking if he knew address of Mrs Aroaz as heard camp was for sale.-

Julio 23

Tuesday.  Campo Winter. fine cold day.  Went with the hired auto to the Vermejo Co Estancia & then frin [from ??] then to the Hardy’s Obrg’e [Obrage?] in Vermejo Co Estancia.  Saw Paton who is the timber weigher-  As going away from Obraje met Hardy and asked for prices for posts 4 x 4" 3mt varilla 1.40 M and tablones 2".-
Lots of timber there about 5000 tons. For lapagcho they pay $6 per ton to the Vermejo Co Estancia.  Had lunch with Armitage 41 Kil to obragi [obraje] & back here.-

After tea went with Camion, Sykes, Hamilton & myself to Rio Oro toward pass & explored the monte.  Heard Monkeys.  Getting ready to get an early start tomorrow for Risustencia.—

Hotel B Aires Corrientes

Wednesday July 24th 1929

Fine day. fresh & chilly.
Sykes & I left for Resistencia 5.30 AM with the car of Gimenez, and as roads were dryer arrived at Resistencia 1 PM 7½ hours 176 K from CWinter.-  Wrote to Higham ré Araoz camp & that would pay $20 hectarea.  Left for Corrientes from Barranqueras 4.45 PM & was told steamer leaving for Posadas was going full tonight, so have to stop here tonight & decide tomorrow what to do.-

—— 25 ——

On train to Posados. Thursday. Coldish overcast day. Telegraphed first thing to Posados & reserved beds to Iguazo on steamer which leaves Saturday.-
Called on Wenceslado Ward who was very atentive today at station helped us in reserving berths for tonight.  After siesta we went to the Tennis Club where we met Ward, Miss Mendionado who is head of the club, also met Briarnd there & others & had tea.  quite a social gathering.  Ward had dinner with us, & had coctails with King Park & Taylor. Took 10 PM train for Posades going by Caseros & then up. Ward seems an enterprizing chap.

— 26 —

Friday on train to Posados.- Rained all last night & today.  We arrived at Monte Caceros about 10 AM. & left on main line to Posadas at about 4 P.M. Had lunch at a hotel & had a look at the Uruguay river.-  Sat in Taylors private coach until we got to Monte Caceros. Nievers [?] was on train to Posada also a Mrs __   who was a Knight, was on train & had dinner together.  Camps very sodden with water. Pity as rather a nice country to look at.- Seems a larger English element at     growing yerba and fruit trees.

July 27th Saturday.- “Corumba”

Saturday. Rained last night nearly all night & some this morning & rest fine day.  Arrived in Posados about 4 AM. Went to Mihanovich offices & then on board “Corumba” for Iguazu. Got a cabin, Sykes & I and a Baron Shulkenberg?.  Steamer full. Some American tourists Mr & Mrs Bradley Mr Nielsen & Miss is Green, Miss Birch & Miss Bristol on board all sat in same table.  Had some bridge at night.. Quite a good steamer, food not extra.-  Say river is 30 to 35 mts deep.  Dorado fishing best in Sept.-

— 28 —

Iguazu falls. Saturday Sunday. Rained some in morning early on boat, but turned out to be a fine day. Reached Puerto Aguirre [today: Puerto Iguazú] at 2 PM and as we were about 80 passengers had trouble in getting to the falls. about 60 minutes.  We got an outside room in the Annex rather poor. I arrived in last car at 8 PM.  Great crowd here & in good spirits.-

—— 29 —

Iguazu falls. Sunday Monday. Warm muggy day. Looks like rain. Our party of 8 went in car about a league & then in a canoe to the Garganta del Diablo (The biggest fall) very fine.  In afternoon walked with a big party to see the river & falls nearest here. About 82 guests all together here in hotel.-  very crowded & our room No 4 in Annex only has two beds & a chair & have to come across for a wash etc.-


Iguazu falls.  Monday Tuesday. Damp muggy day. (rained some)  In morning at 9 AM went with big party on boat to see the falls from below.  I think the San Martín falls.  Very slippery & lots of climbing.  In afternoon did not go out as it rained.- Had some bridge.  Cinema in hotel in evening.-  Bought some post cards.
wrote post cards.


Iguazu Falls. Wednesday. Cold overcast day, disagreeable. The party who were slepping here left by the “Corumba” again for Posades, including our American Friends: Mr & Mrs Glen Bradley, Miss Green. Miss Birch, Miss Bristol & Mr Nielsen.  Sykes & I are [Inserted above in line: Wrote an areo letter to OB today.] the only ones left except 4 people who arrived today.  Had a walk in a picada called the Barrera.-

— Aug 1 — Iguazu falls

Thursday.  Very cold last night & a beautiful clear day morning & over cast in afternoon.
In morning went to the Brazillian side where hotel in ruins is.  Went first in motor car to canoe & then across in canoe.  A German family is there.  Best view of falls is there.  Got some black tobacco there. In afternoon had a short walk.

— 2 — Fresh & overcast

Friday, Puerto Aguirre.  Left the Iguazu falls at 9 AM, arriving here 10 AM 18 Kil. The chocolate maker Saenz wife & lady came along as they had a private steamer (Ciudad de Posado).  As the steamer Itusaingo which is to take us to Mendez, (Should have been here early) has not arrived have to stop the night. However this is quite a good Hotel, but we are losing time. Guess something must have happened to the “Itusainga”.-  Sent a wireless telegram to Flury saying we would be back here in 4 days & to send a telegram here. if “novedades”.-

— 3 —

Saturday. Hotel Iguazu. Aguirre.
Beautiful day but cold morning & very cold tonight.  guess about freezing. Heard today by Radio that steamer Iguaz “Ituzaingo” had run against some thing & had to return to Eldorado, & that the “Corumba” was on way up.  Dont know when we will be able to get to Mendez.-  Strolled about in morning & in afternoon went in a canoe to Brazillian side oposite but had to come back as too hard walking in brush.
Tiger skin offered for sale for $55.-

Aug. 4. Sunday

Hotel Iguazzo Aguirre.-
Another fine day but cold nights.-  Went at 9.30 in a row boat to Foz del Iguassu. taking 2 hours as there were some rapids.  Went to Hotel International & had quite a good lunch.  Met Mr Wainright there Am. Consul on way from San Paulo to Guayaquil via B Aires.-  We took a camion & had a short drive to see a small yerba plantation. & came back here in 1¼ hours. Wainright came with us.-  Had telg from Flury saying dry & cold. Steamer Corumba expected tonight from Posados.- (Did not come.

Fine day. Aug 5- Monday cold nigt

Hotel Iguazzo Puerto Aguirro.  The steamer Corumba arrived about 11 oclock & leave again Wednesday 4 PM.  Brot about 40 passengers, who left for the falls.  Brot papers from 23 to 30 July which we borrowed. Not much doing today.-

— Aug 6 —

Tuesday.  Hotel Iguazu  Aguirre
Another fine day warmer._
Sykes, Wainright & I went in a canoe with the botero & 3 Navy cadets down the Parana river to a port called Gimenez where the had a beautiful plantation of all sort of trees of fruits & yerba.  a regular park.  We saw them picking yerba.  We each got about a kilo, but wants grinding yet.  Also from there walked about 2 Kil to Bertoni place. quite interesting also.  Beautiful forest. Took us 1 hour to go & 3 hours to come back. Mrs Gimenez says they have about 200 classes of citrus plants.  The paseo was well worth while.  some trouble in getting back over the rapids or “corredores”.

Aug 7   Wednesday.

Vapor “Corumba”. Fine day. warmer.
We went on board after lunch & after the tourists from the cataracts arrived we left at 2 P.M.  About 40 passengers on board. We tied up at El Dorado for the night as the Capt [?] wants to be careful after the accident to the “Ituzaingo” last week.  Very nice on river & stopping at great many places for passengers, etc.

— 8 — Thursday

Hotel Palace, Posadas.
Fine day. Slight fog in morning but we left right off & arrived here about 5 P.M.  Quite a large Hotel.  We had dinner together with Wainwright & then saw him off on train to BA.- Went to a cinema afterwards “Yo soy Culpable”.

Aug 9— Friday.

Palace Hotel, Posados.- Warm windy N.
Got a car at $50. to take us to ruins of San Ignacio taking 2½ hours to get there.  say about 25 hab had been built by jesuits. Had lunch at an Italian fonda there & came back in less than 2 hours.  We called at station to get tickets but not open.-
Met Mr & Mrs Clack at San Ignacio.-
We then went to xperimental station where the Proffesor showed us around.- Very interesting.—   1106.21

—— 10 ——

Hotel Grand Central Española. Villa Rica.- Saturday.
Windy Strong N. warmest day had yet.  Got up at 4 AM & got on train for Asuncion (Villa Rica) at 5.30. & arrived at Villa Rica at 3 P.M.  about 30 tourists who were at Iguazu also.-  Good deal of open country with seems hard grass for cattle which were poor.  An Englishman on train says good camps worth about £2000 per league leagues here at 4000 meters.-
We called on Solano Gonzalez who took us to club & afterwards met him at cinema. (brother in law of Mrs Miles.)  Vegetation quite luxuriant on way, but country seems poor. good deal on account of war scare with Bolivia.- Money is worth $18.70 to Arg peso

— Aug 11 — Sunday.-

Asuncion, Hotel Hispano American. Hot day, guess about 30°.-
This morning we took Mr Solano Gonzalez in a car to a sugar factory close here, owned by a family of Hungarians. Quite interesting, but the cane does not seem so thick or long as in Las Palmas. The do about 150 tons of cane a day which gives about 7% sugar. Had a cocktail at Don Solanos.  After siesta we took the 2.30 train for Asuncion arriving at 8.30.  We tried first at Hotel Oriental, but being no room we came here. Not very good & have room, but place seems crowded. Very pretty country from V Rica to about 2 hours from here, & nicely coloured dressed girls at view at stations. To cmeni

Aug 12 Monday—

Asuncion Hotel España Americano.  Very hot last night & mosquitos. bad to sleep.  Today 35°-
In morning got our tickets for Guarany which sails Wednesday for Rosario.- Afterwards bought Skins, Elco J, de nit [?] indian curios Nanduty & sigars [ñandutí - a traditional Paraguayan embroidered lace].  In afternoon drove around Botanical Gardens, which seem rather neglected.- To cinema at night—

— 13 — Tuesday.-

Asuncion. Hotel Espana Americano. Very hot muggy day again.  In morning bot some under clothes & at an English Book shop got a card to Aviacion field, where we went to on quite a good road, but the man in charge was not there & went to a small town (Utich ?) & bought a silver cup & plate for $1800 Paraguay.-
In afternoon after some shopping called on the Mrs & Miss Bird at the legation.  In evening went to cinema. “Battle of Coronel & Falkland Islands.”
Met Desfirain [?] the alfa seed man.-

Quite warm today — 14 — Wednesday.

S.S. Guarany on way to Rosario.
Paid bill at Hotel quite moderate & went on board 7 Am & left 8 am.  Pestered by women selling nanduty. Bo't a mate & bombilla 100 Arg. & Nanduty for $200 Paraguaya & ear rings 18. Argentina  I have cabin 49 along side of Side wheel, but the comisario offers us another cabin (43) in case many passengers come.-  Luckily the Iguazu steamer wont make combination at Corrientes.-  Shaw who is working on line from Formosa to Embarcacion came on board at Formosa.  A young man named Campbell got off at Formosa. He had camp of his own & also manages Estancia. He gave us quite a lot of information.

— Aug 15 —

Cold day S Wind Thursday. SS. Guarany on way to Rosario.- We passed Corrientes at 7 AM & took on lots of oranges at diferent ports so we are late & expect to get to Rosario tomorrow night about 10 PM.-
Mr Nogues & Weneslao Ward got on board. at Corrientes & Las Palmas.
Had some bridge after dinner: Sykes, Ward, Shaw & myself. won $1.-
Dont think it could have rained.-

Palace Hotel — 16 — Cold south East wind. Friday.  Passed Parana about 4 PM and arrived at Rosario about 11.30 & had no trouble in getting through Custom house, although Sykes had a demy of caña & thousands of cigars.-
Mr Nogues of Las Palmas kindly offered all sorts of facilities on his Decanislle [?] to Cia Vermejo camp & talks of extending the line to Zapallar which will benefit greatly the neighborhood.

Saturday — 17 —

Las 3 Lagunas. Cold over cast day.
Went in morning to barber, B & Leburns, Middletons & took Sykes to the Rural Show.  Most animals had already been taken out.  Left Rosario at 3 PM to C de G on train & then motored to here as Martin was waiting us at C de Gomez with Vauxhall.
Every very dry here.

— 18 —

Sunday - fine day.- Went out in

1930 - October 20 to November 4

Oct 1930
[Begins at Ea. “Las Tres Lagunas”, Las Rosas/SFé]

Monday 20. Fine day. On train to Resestencia

On way to the Vermejo. Palace Hotel Rosario
Getting ready all morning for Chaco.  Martin came back from Venado Tuerto where he was delayed on ac of rains.-  Left in afternoon train for Rosario. Went to Club.

Tuesday, — 21 — Savoy Hotel Resistencia on train
      Left 5.35 [?] on train

Began raining between Rosario & Santa Fé &  [Insert: Fano sold his camp @$21. hec]  this morning at Vera I was told about 86 mm had fallen

[Insert:]  22

Badly needed for crops.- Arrived at 8 PM at Resestencia Bell had arrived day before & had dinner together, also Dickenson.  Ward came afterwards.  New car ready. Had not rained here.

23 Campo Winter

Wednesday. Fine day. Left Resistencia in the new Ford and a boy to help on road at 7 AM.  & found rods very bad as had recent rains.  About a league from Picado Varela got stuck & a camion pulled us out $10.  Got to Zapallar ab 5 PM & to here about 6 P.M. New house looks fine.

Oct 24 - 30 CWinter.

Friday. Warmer today E wind slight
Looked at Rhodes grass (first) which seems spreading & ought to be a success. Afterwards in car to wind mill south, & then across to Col Zapallar Geminy [?] who gave us some grapefruit.  After siesta went to Punto Zapallar & bought a mosquito net as flies are bad at Siesta.  Says steamer goes past fr P. Vermejo on 29th-
Mr & Mr Armitage were here in evening & the 2 kids. & Mr & Mrs Woodrigg Brownrigg who are taking over Cia Vermejo Estancia next week.  Sent word to Hardy to buy some mocho bulls at sale on Sunday at $325. (Puchulas)  Cattle looking well, except the Plantel which are on thin side.-

— Oct 25 —

Saturday. Warm day NE 35°.-
Looks stormy this evening.  Went at 7 AM in car to see the Uriburu camp (R) which I had bought & was very pleased with especially the low part & monte Ralo on south side.  Also went to saw mill of Guasti not far from SW corner of Uriburu camp.- Getting sawn posts from him at 70cts.  Also passed & called at Wards. Did altogether 64 Kil.-
In afternoon pottered around place & am very plesed about the Couch grass & the Rhodes Grass.

— Oct 26 —

Sunday: Rained last night 98 mm fine rain, & today over cast S. Wind.-  Did not go to camp on ac of wet.-  Asked about the Vinal plague, only 2 or 3 plants was seen by capataz.-  Mr Hamilton brought Mrs Armitage for lunch & tea with here 2 little girls.-  Guess Armitage & Brownrigg & Mr B will find road bad on way back.

— Oct 27 —

Monday,  drizzled good part of day 5 mm so did not go into camp.  Long telegram from 3 Lag, had 33 mm rain last week until Saturday.  Looking over accounts.-

Tuesday.-    Oct 28 1930    

Campo winter. Fine day S slight.—
In morning on horse back with Bell & King Hamilton revised plantel paddock & to tajamar. Plenty of water in camp & pasture improving.  Assola sent word that steamer goes down 4 PM tomorrow.  After tea called on at Armitage to say good bye.  Says bought 7 mocho bulls remate at Resistencia @$280.  Puchulas mark.  They are leaving Saturday & delivering over to Brownrigg.  Lots of water about.-

—— 29 ——

Wednesday. On board 114B at Puerto Zapallar.
Fine day E.  In morning went to bretes where they dipped the plantel, there are about 30 old cows which should be taken out & 8 or 10 machorras.  Decided not to devide Palmas potrero, as I believe cattle are better in large potrero.  Plow up as much as possible & put in Rhodes Grass which seems to do well, but think should be sown alone to get a better stand.  Left Estancia in our Ford at 3.15 and got to Puerto Zapallar in 40 minutes.  Had to wait until 6.15 before steamer arrived from Roca.  Bell & I got a cabin together. $46.75 for the 2 to Barranqueras.  Dont leave until tomorrow morning.-  Guess Mr Hamilton should go on as before at $500 per month.  He is paid until 30 June.  Steamer seems quite neat.-

— 30 —

Thursday. on board 114B about Kil 83
Left P. Zapallar 4.30 Am (190 K?) & as river is low were stuck many times.  Luckily day was not so hot & night cool.  A chap trading in horses (Caferata) came on board from Formosa side.

Friday.    - 31 - on board 114B

at Puerto Vermejo.  Nice warm day.  Arrived at Puerto Bermejo about 3.30 PM. quite a good march, only stuck once I believe. Paraguay river quite high. Sent telegram to L Resus [Las Rosas ?] saying would probably be home Monday.-
Bell & I called on at Arca & Santos.  Said lots of Mal de Cadera on Formosa side remedy is Bayers Aganol 205.  Stop on board tonight & tomorrow to Barranqueras.  The camps seem low about 40 K from mouth of Vermejo.

Nov- 1-

Saturday.  Hotel Savoy.  114B steamer left again 7 AM & arrived Corrientes 1.15  stopped there 15 minutes to leave a few passengers off & in half an hour were in Barranqueros & taxi to Resistencia.  Find there is no train nor steamer south until Monday. Got double room with Bell here at Savoy.-
Paraguay & Parana rivers high.-
Went to cinema in evening. Cazadores de tigres.- Cafferata had dinner with us.-

— Nov- 2-

Savoy Hotel.  Resistencia.  Sunday.-
Very hot day.  Lots of mosquitos last night in room. (in nets).  In morning only went to post offices & RR Station.  In afternoon went with Bell to experimental farm at Benites.  Only one man was there to show us the plantation of trees & roses.
Began raining in evening.
All souls day (?) every body taking flowers to cemetery.-

— 3 —

Monday. On train to Rosario—
Luckily had rained a little last night & was only hot at Siesta time.  Left Resistencia 6 am. Camps on way looking very well. lots of linseed between Vera & San Justo where it was to dark to see any more.-  Bell was leaving Resistencia at noon for Portolis & Ceres.-
Saw no one on train to talk to.-

Nov 4 - 1930

Las 3 Lagunas Tuesday.  Arrived in Rosario at 6 am & took 630 train for LRosas.  Rained quite hard at Fisherton & again at La California & here. 7 mm.  Bob Traill is here.  had bowls in afternoon won $2.-
Getting too much rain on ac not being able to cut alfa.-  Nice growing weather.-

1931 - May 9 to June 4

May 9th 1931

Palace Hotel Rosario.- Warm day N
Left Las Rosas on afternoon train as it looked too rainy to think of motoring to C de Gomez tomorrow.  Take along Campbell-Orde to make up books at Campo Winter.  Went to cinema at night quite good: Monte Carlo.-  Met Mr Baily, manager of Swifts.  Got steamer tickets.

Sunday.— 10 -

On board Ciudad de correntes.
Had walk along puerto & to Club.-
Went to puerto at 2 PM but steamer did not arrive until 3.15  Very warm awaiting! Very nice steamers but camarots very small. Not know any one on board.  Parana very high.—  In evening met Cherry-Downs & wife agent for some gas machine, & another chap selling Creolin- lost $1- at dummy bridges.

May 11th   S.S. Ciudad Corrientes

Monday.  Nice balmy day stormy looking in evening.  Called on at port Goya about 6 P.M.  An American & wife & children on board going to Asuncion to teach in a school.- Had the begging of a cold.

— 12 —

Monday Tuesday. Arrived in Corrientes at about 8 & left again at 10. Went on shore with Cordy bought 100 cigars & went to market.  Arrived at Las Palmas at 1 PM & saw Mr Bruces who kindly promised to send us out in auto car on rails to Kil 90 (Hardy’s in morning early.  A nephew of old Mrs Hardy Bonomi? showed us around.  Ginning cotton & making balls of about 230 K.  Cotton in brute is worth 170 to 180 p ton.  costs 70cts 10K to gather.  Stop at the Hotel here Las Palmas. looks neglected.
Overcast day & got cold in evening & damp.

May. 13

Wednesday. Campo Winter.-
Left with the motor at 8.10 Am & arrived at Kil 90 in about 4 hours & lunched with Hardy Hamilton & Boothby. Hardy drove me to Estancia Co El Bermejo. where we called on the Brownriggs for a chat.  Came in new Camion with Hamilton while Boothby drove Corde, but we got stuck in Cia’s camp at Sanjon badly & had to come to estancia here for help.-
Miserable cold drizzly all afternoon.  Hardy says in a few months will finish wood in El Bermejo camp.-


Thursday.  Did not drizzle today but sun tried to come out in afternoon C-Orde began on books which seems rather dificult.  Pottered about the place on foot.  Pasto Gordura seems to do rather well, as a hectarea has about 15 toritos in it. Wrote to OB.  quien sabe when letters will go!  lots of water in camp.

May 15th 1931

Friday.  Another dull day. no sun.  Rode on horse back through monte to Rio del Oro along fence to south.  Fine monte virgen.  Pasto Gordura planted here seems to do very well, thick mass of it.  Quien sabe how it will do after winter is over.-

— 16 —

Saturday.  Cold dull day, no sun, dampish.  Rode with Alcosta the old peon up to Rio Vermejo & went along it.-  River quite high but I guess gone down about 18 inches from highest.-  C. Orde doing up accounts.


Sunday.  Another cold dull day.  No sun again.- In morning walked all through the piquete on west of house.  In afternoon with old Alcosta to west side of camp to gate to Raffo and down the Oro.  Fine montes.

Francisco Prizzio.-

— May 18th 1931 —

Monday.  Another dull day, drizzled some in forenoon.  Did not go out all day.  Planted a box of the picked cypress trees in seeds in a box.
The matrinonios name here is Francisco Pozzio.  And the old man who is a man of all work is Salvador Acosta.

— 19 —

Missing seed.

Gramilla Seed

Tuesday.  Rained last night 22 mm & drizzled & misted most of the day. 8th day no sun.

Gathered some coarse gramilla seed [see drawing] to try at 3 Lagunas. Mail came over from Cia Bermejo also telg from 3 Lagunas.  Wrote to OB as I heard a train was going from Kil 90 to Las Palmas.-  Some toucans were killed.

— 20 —

Wednesday. Cleared up at last in morning was misty but afterwards nice & sunny. Several toucans were killed in mandarin trees.- In afternoon rode with old Acosta to south east part of camp as far as Vermejo to fence to estero E & back by Isleta where Ruiz Diaz lived in 1916 or 17.  Camp seems very good down that way & cattle fat & look preñada, saw several young calves. Saw no game.-

May 21st

Thursday.  Another fine day N. slight
In afternoon went to west side of house through raigonal & to monte further south of tapera Dquarsou [Bquarsin?].-  saw some wood turkys & a couple of palo boracho trees.  Cleaned the coarse granilla seed, to take to 3 Lagunas & must not forget to plant it end of August.-

— 22 —

Friday.  Warmer day & in evening looking stormy again.  Hamilton C. Orde & I rode to puerto Zapallar about 3 hours ride. C. Orde to see about some ac s  Says steamer probably goes south about the 29th-  Had the bulls up in corral about 150. guess 100 will be fit to work this winter, says there are 2500 cows to serve.-

— 23 —

Saturday.  Damp day, drizzled 1½ mm no sun.  Did not go into camp.  Saw old Guerero who was chacrera here formerly.  his two sons doing chacra work here.

— 24 —

Sunday.  Damp over cast day S wind slight.  Rode with Hamilton to Estancia Vermejo & had lunch & tea with Browntrigg. played croquet.  1½ hours ride 9½ K. trot. Roads bad still.
Lots of indians on road going to Zapallar.  Letter from OB dated
C. Orde still at work on books.-

— 25 —

Monday.  Feast day.  Rained last night 35 mm. Too much of a good thing as will be too much water in camp. Partly clear today & cold.  Did not go out on horseback.— Tamandua (Caquire)  Capataz gave me a yellow ant eater skin

Tuesday May 26 —

Not a bad day sun out at times.  Hamilton was at Sombrerito today.-  Went in afternoon on horse back to monte south of raigonal.  Only saw 1 pavo del Monte.

— 27 —

Tuesday Wednesday.  Sun was out at times and not a bad day.  No mail for me came today from Kil 90.—
Trying to get C. Orde to finish books  Did not go into camp today.-

— 28 —

Wednesday Thursday.  Drizzled a bit in forenoon, but afternoon was warm.
Sent to Puerto to see about steamer, at 10 Am was still at Kil 136 no way up, so probably wont go down till Sunday morning.  In afternoon on horse back to south of camp along fence by windmill   saw a monte perdiz dark cafe colour.

May 29th

Friday. Warm muggy day.-
Brownrigg called on way to the Port & Hamilton went along, & on way back had lunch here. Sorry looking horse in his tilbury [light, open, two-wheeled carriage].  Steamer left the port for P. Roca after 8 AM. Heard it whistle here.  After tea with Hamilton to piquete Pot Invenada to where a ditch was being made into Zapiran.  A big Dane (domador) called looking for a job.-

— 30 —

Saturday. Drizzled a bit in morning & looks very stormy again.-
Went a bit on horse back around niazal [maizal ?].  The pasto gordura looks well there.  Getting ready to leave for P. Zapallar.


a Borda 116B

Sunday.  Rained last night 24 mm cold overcast day.  As it was too wet we left on horse back for the port with our luggage.  2 hrs ride and left the port Zapallar on Steamer 116B cabin 1. at 10.30 A.M.  at about 3 PM we picked up Raul Uriburu & family at his brothers place.  River seems to be falling.  Capt Serivan Veron is captain.  Errea who seems to administrar Oswalds camps is on board.  Says one could buy Ganduefi (Angel Velaz camp) 40000 hect @$20.- pr. hectarea (asking 25).

—— June- 1 -——

Monday.  on board 116B. Dull cold day M no sun again.-  Stopped at a good many places in forenoon, but afterwards camps were low & reached Puerto Vermejo about 3.30.  The town is partly under water & lot has been washed away since here 1st Nov.  Went to Areu & Santos & the latter showed us around place.  Says Uriburu’s escritura should be finished next month.  Arrea says there are about 500 bulls at A. Velaz still which may be for sale.

— 2 —

Tuesday. Savoy Hotel Resistencia. Mostly fine day.  best had on this trip after leaving Corrientes on 12th May.—
Left Puerto Bermejo 89.50 & arrived at Corrientes 1.30 & straight to Resistencia.
River a fine sight very high supposed to be begin to fall.  Went to barber shop (very long beard).  also went to Ford Agency.  says tractor Fordsen [Fordson] cost $2640. Had dinner with Tilly of Bovril at Hotel.

— 3 —     on train to Rosario.

Wednesday.  Overcast day coldish. Left by train for Resistencia 6. something in morning.  Lots of water about on road as far as Golondrina.-  Each have camarote to ones self.— Dont know any passengers.

— 4 —

Thursday.-  Damp drizzly day. NE wind
Reached Rosario 6.05 & went to station FCCA & left 6.30 f Las Rosas.  We were not expected.  OB has a cold.  Nothing new.  had 76 mm rain here last month.

1932 - April 21 to May 6

on train to Resistencia
Thursday April 21st 1932.

Motored to C de G in Hope catching the 7.53 train to Rosario.  Had lunch at Club & lost $10.  bridge with Grant against Lebas & _ _   . Drew $2000 from Nat City Bank for Hamilton.  Left 5.35 PM.
Warm day.-

Friday   22   Hotel Savoy Resistencia

Fine clear day, warmer up this way.  All day on train arriving Resistencia 8 PM.  Lot of water on road north of Vera, especially Las Amons, etc but good cattle around there looking well.  I hear the road to Zapallar is bad, & took Godoy 12 hours to come in today.  Had a talk with McClean who is governor here

Saturday. 23 Hotel Savoy Resistencia

Nice warm day.
Saw Goday in morning & said would take us out to CWinter tomorrow for $100. to leave at 5 AM.  In morning went to the Bank & then to Barrangueras & paid Contribucion Directa for the two camps $1040 (2/00) new tax included.  In afternoon called on at Ed. Escobar also Fechio.-
Jim Bell arrived in evening by the FC Nacional.-
Canevali of Zapallar also offered to take us out. (or in)

— 24 —   Sunday

C. Winter Warm day N
Left in car 5.15 with Goday & two boys to help him.
Bits of road very bad. before getting to Anellos camp & the overflow at Fecchia’s [Feachio’s ?] camp.  Encina in another car was along & had to be helped.  Arrived at 7.15 C. Winter.
Hamilton, Davy, Potera here, also White had dinner with us.

— 25 — Monday

April 25-28: The diary was written in pencil, bold represents where it was overwritten in black ink.

Warm day N Slight 31°
Pattered about in morning.-
In afternoon after tea began recuento counting the yeguaiza in this camp, old yeguas 37 (about 20 disuta [directa?]) the [burnt hole] are the worst on place

Tuesday 26 ——

Warm day N wind.
In morning before rodeo we motored to Estancia Cia El Bermejo & on way back counted the cattle of the Palmar Potrero which were in very good condition & calving had began. 875 cows & 249 marked calves.  about 300 calves had been taken away before.  total 1124, in this potrero.  In piquete Palmar counted 18 cows & vaquallona (3 agenos)
Counted in Piquete Estancia 7 bueyes 1 novillo 10 cows 39 bulls 31 toritos marcacion. total 88.  mostly animals being cured.  In evening counted in Potrero Oro 917 cows 74 marked calves, and 12 bueyes.  1003  Lots of cows calving, & good deal garrapata.-  Motored to the river Oro & back around by gate of Envernada.
Heriberto Hardy had dinner with us.  very intertaining old chap.

—— Apr 27   Wednesday —

Another fine day 30°.  Rec’d telegram from OB saying 31° down there.-
Counted envernada potrero 780 novillos 161 toras & toritos, 15 bueyes 1 vaca total 957   about 300 novillos are 3x4.-
Plantel Piquete: counted 148 plantel cows 35 marked calves & 2 bueyes = want About 5 or 6 good Criolles for this plantel as more heifers will be put in this year.  In Pot. nooR [norte ?] in afternoon counted 19 bueyes 1 toro 608 vaq & cows 53 Terns marcada [burnt hole, math=19]9 novillos total 700.- bulls will be put in, in 1 Aug. as into all the cattle, as the small calves born this month all get inbechadas.
Afterwards went down to wind mill in Pot Oro & Palmar.  Seems the Pasto Gordura grows well around mill there and in the piquete estancia where it was sown last year.
  Arada Rastra Caserecomended by Bell

Thursday April 28 —— 30°

Warm day N wind.  stormy.
In after lunch went to Sombrerito in car & had recuento there.
Counted 85 sheep at Estancia here in morning (1 ram included)
In Sombrerito 45 mules 3 tame saddle mares.  1 horse, 55 potrancas.  Good condition.  616 refuga cows & vaquillonas id  209 marked calves  291 novillos  482 vaquillas 1x2 total included 24 agenas 1640.  In Picaso counted 666 marked calves,  61 cows 456 novillitos  64 vaq.  1252 total counting incluso 5 agenos.
Met Zimmerman at Sombrerito, says he had [above line, scribbled: bout 500 Head lard for Uriburu ?]  at Sombrerito counted: 1 mula silla  3 yeguas silla  19 caballer silla.—
Very fine baño, mangas, corraled put up at sombrerito costing m⁄ or less $8000.- Cattle in Sombrerito & Picaso camps in good condition & clean.

Total Counted.
3.255 cows of which 678 refugo cows & vaq. ∇ 148 plantil
201 toros & toritos
1547 novillos & novillitos (about 350 3x4
74 bueyes
547 vaquillonas
1317 terneras marcandas (31 toritos of Plantel
6941 total & 1 cow lechera at Kil 90.-
2 padrillos (1 Percheron 1 Polo)
77 yeguas (40 TP  20 refugosTP)
17  " silla
19 potros
56 potrancas
51 mulas
23 pot marcacion (1 mula)
77 caballo silla

Friday 29 April 1932

Rained this forenoon 7 mm & a misty afternoon & looks as if a bad night.-  Bell, Hamilton & Paton in car to Kil 90 to see if a auto-via would come & fetch Bell for Las Palmas.-
Bro’t up rodeo Oro & dipped them but guess dip wont do much good on account of wet.  On count of cattle there was a shortage of about 300 head. on account of calculations   Guess there is a good deal of robberies, carneadas & Rio Vermejo pantanos.

— Saturday 30 April —

Rained 3 mm last night.  Corrientes.  Left after lunch with Jim Bell for Kil 90-  Hamilton driving car & Paton along. Left 1.15 Kil 90 in auto via & arrived at Las Palmas 4 PM  & left right off for puerto ½ hour & had to await until 7.15 for lanch [lancha ?] for Corrientes, Misty day.  Came to Hotel B Aires 10 P.M.  Man on boat said Sorondas camp was put for sale at 7.- per hectare but no bid.  had late dinner & to bed.  Very nice hotel. Heard today that Uriburu died on 28th

Sunday Apr 30 - May 1st

Onboard S.S. Guarany. on way to Formosa to arrive 1 AM tomorrow morning.
Jim Bell left Corrientes for Resestencia 10.30 & I got passage to Formosa on Guarany which left Corrientes 1 PM.  Very few passengers & is quite a nice boat. River very high but has fallen last night I hear.  Overcast cloudy day.  I hear it had rained hard in Rosario Friday.  This steamer only goes as far as Formosa luckily as can sleep on board.  Hope to go up RR from Formosa tomorrow & come back next day & go to Rosario on same boat Tuesday night, & get to Rosario Thursday night & home Friday 6th  Will try & send a telegram from Puerto Vermejo now 7 PM.-  Sent a telgram at Puerto Bermejo as Santos was at the wharf.  Arrived at Formosa about 1 AM

about 277 K from Formosa.- — 2 — Monday.

Pozo del Tigre.  Warm day and a bit dusty towards end of journy.  Left Formosa 7 AM train & arrived here at 5 PM & stop at Martinez Hotel.  Quite a new town, about a year old & the biggest place on road.  Did not like the camps halfways towards Formosa, as lot of pasto puna, montes & Esteros.  The estero Pirana which gets the over flow of the Pilcomayo must be about 2 leagues broad.  Camps this side seem good as no puna & a chap told me he sends cattle to Tucuman & gets good prices.

3    Tuesday.

Vapor Guarany on way to Rosario.-
Left again Paso del Tigre at 9 AM. $15.35 & Arrived at Formoso at 6.20 PM (about 274 Kil) & left again by this steamer at 7 PM.  Cabin 27.- $114.-  Camps quite good in places where this not too much water such as the Pirana esteros & others about there.  People here say that cattle can be bought @ 7.- al corte just now.  The purser says only 6 1st class passengers are going but guess more will get on further down.  Lots of vinal I saw around Pozo del Tigre & some further on this way.  I got seed of a funny tree without leaves called Palo Mataco. Bought a thick stick of palo Santo from a waiter on train $5.-

Same 3 passengers together at my table. (1 contractor public works  1 guess drummer both Espanolas.  Some monkeys were offered for sale but had no time to get it on way back.-
The camps from Fontana to west seem & was told was best for cattle.-
Celestino Camacho is manager of Estancia Urzate.

4 Wednesday

On board Guarany on way to Rosario.  Passed Corrientes 7 PM & Lavalle almost 6:30 PM.  Loaded a lot of oranges & mandarines at Bella Vista & Lavalle  800 boxes Mandarines at Lavalle.  Capt says pays 70 cts freight.  Oranges from Bella Vista per bag    ? Mandarines at Lavalle worth about $3 per 1000.  Store keeper from Pozo del Tigre is called Sacobo Colon.- (Formosa)  Not an interesting lot of passengers on board.-  Very warm over cast day & at 7 PM a storm came up & raining hard. at Lavalle where had to load of oranges in the tempest.  It rained later very hard at Malabrigo


Thursday. Palace Hotel Rosario.
Cleared up during night & was a cold overcast day, strong South wind.  Nothing much doing today.  Expect to arrive Rosario 9 PM.-  Arrived at 8 PM & to Palace Hotel.  to Cinema afterwards, not much good.

— 6 —

Las 3 Lagunas, Left Rosario 6.30  Cold morning with south wind -2° below.  OB & Miss Spackman had gone to Venado Tuerto yesterday - sleeping at Fisherton.
Miss Spackmans sister had lost her beau Killed in a Motor accident & she was going to Mackenna to see her.  Had rained very hard 69 mm 2-3-4th/5
Sykes & Raimond called before lunch.-

1932 - September 18 to October 5

On train to Resistencia Sept 18 - 1932 (with OB)

Warm day N wind (yesterday 34°)
Left 10.30 in Hup [?] & caught the 11.55 train C de G. to Rosario. Had lunch 1.40 PM at Palace Hotel.  Siesta & took 5.35 PM train to Resistecia.  Luckily we got 2 single berth comp joining with open door in between.
Locusts were in garden when we left 3 Lag. Miss Spackman & Mary are left alone.


Savoy Hotel Resistencia.  Monday
Very hot day & rained a bit about 2 PM but only there.- Here in Resisten. they say it was unapportable.  Reached here 7.50 PM.  Streets seem to be improved  Met a Swifts buyer Weitenbeck here in hotel.  Says Swifts only pay 10 cts for steers.  Goday will take us out in morning alone for $100.- to CWinter

Campo Winter 20   Tuesday.

Rained during night & until about noon, but Goday was awaiting for us at Hotel with his carryall & we left 8.15 am f Campo Winter.  The roads were covered with water so had to come slowly.  About 10 leagues from Zapallar the water was less & had not rained at all at Zapallar & only 6 mm at C. Winter.  We arrived at about 5.30 P.M.  R. Patero in charge as Hamilton not back yet from England.
Very dry here as practically no rain since when here last.  Acosta is cook as good couple left on ac of heart trouble Maillon [?].  Passed troop 900 odd novillos of CWinter about 9 leagues of Resistencia.

Wednesday — 21 —

C. Winter.  Drizzly day with strong S wind guess a temporal, did not do anything.-  An indian brought ½ of a pacu & we bought it for 60 cts.-
Telegram from 3 Lagunas: “Llovio 34 mm- locusts desaparico”.-

—— 22 ——

Thursday.  Temporal still on & damp drizzled about 14½ mm so far until tonight  Could hardly go out of house all day.-  Will do the camp good, as it had been very dry & hardly any water in esteros etc.-

— Sept 23 —

Friday. Another day of temporal drizzled some in forenoon.  Rained altogether 19 mm Them 13° min & 15 max.-
Went in car with Paton to new puesto near gate No 1 giving NE corner & then to Caparral where the Fordson is plowing for Rhodes grass between 20 & 30 hectarias.  ground looks friable and good but wants levelling.  Query? when once sown how will water the cattle in it.

Packed up Skins to send to Mrs Bowens Lavalle 769 B.A. to get tanned:
5 fox skins in bag. 5 id open 6 cuati 4 gato onza 1 gato colorado 4 lobo del monte.-  Heard it had rained 90 mm at Las Palmas.

Rations givens to men here are Simeon Aquino 15 K galltas 3.75  5 K arroz 2.-  5 K sugar 2.  5 K yerba 5.-  5 K fideo 1.75. 10 K harina 2.- 3 K sal .15  60 K carne. 12.- total. $28.65 per month.
Jesus de Lorenzo & 1 peon  10 K harina 1.90  17 K galleta 4.25  5 K azucar 2.-  7 K yerba 7.-  7 K yerba 7.-  7 arros 2.80  7 K fideo 2.15  5 K sal .50  23 meat of 2 animals 40. total $60.60 per month.
1 peon at Sombrerito meat 13 of 2 animals per month $20  10 K galleta 2.50  5 K yerba 5.-  5 K arroz 2.-  5 K fideo 1.75  3 K azucar 1.20  3 K sal .30  total 32.75 per month.-

—— Sept 24 ———

Saturday: Cleared up in afternoon  Had plantel & mares up.  Latter are quite thin.  Especially the old ones.  Guess they should plow with bullocks.-
In afternoon went with OB & Paton in car to monte at Rio Oro gathering cactus etc.-
Had rained altogether 19½ mm.-

— 25 — Sunday

Fine day 12° NE wind.-
Did Went in morning in car auto OB & Paton to Puerto Zapallar.  & then to Ander [?] Pallini & Sylvester saw mill in Guasti camp.  No body home.  Some fine vigas & logs of urunday & Timbo.  Seems very little demand now.  Roads quite decent.  In afternoon after tea called on at Estancia Cia Bermejo & saw Mrs Brownrigg & A. O Whyte. Brownrigg is in Resistencia bathing his troop which are going on pastaje at El Cantor.

— Sept. 26 —   Monday

Fine day.  Wind NE cloudy up north.  In auto with Paton to Zapallar, barber, called on Mrs Tuckey, Ursolo of Arca & Santos, Ford agency also of Agar Cross. & Las Palmas store.  People are excited about the RRoad, getting concession to come to Zapallar & Roca, but it seems a diputado named Quejano wants to put a Deauville line from Sanz Peña.  Sent a telegram to Fleary to have chain harrow made for horse & to expect us about the 5th.  In afternoon looked at Rhodes Grass in piquete Plantel & also at bricks burnt for wells etc.

— 27 — Tuesday

In morning with Paton in car to Sombrerito to have a look at cattle.  Had Picaso cattle on rodeo, not looking too bad.-  Had lunch there & went around but had to come back here as it began raining again.- Rain fizzled out, only 2 mm  Also went to the Sombrerito laguna media luna which has plenty of water.  a chacra is there. also at 2 gates of Sombrerito, & south of Picaso camp.  & a big one of Lorenzo de Jesus I dont know if one at east gate of Picaso.-

— 28 – Wednesday.-

Warmish day Sol de Agua N wind slight.  In morning OB. I. Paton & a peon partly in car & partly on horse back went to south fence of Potrero del Oro through montes gathering varios plants etc.  Saw a couple of caraya monkeys on top of high tree, one with young one.  Fine day, wind variable. Penton [?] called on Bermejo estancia.

29 Thursday.-

Warmer day  N Wind,  cloudy in parts.  Several snakes seen today.
Went in car to nearly gate of Estancia Cia Bermejo & on horseback to SE corner of Pot Palmar, but found the 3 lakes were on NE corner instead.  Mr Herbert Hardy came & passed the day here & left again in evening.  Very entertaining old man. Says 26 Isleta 18 W of here is called Yapagal where drunken officer killed intruders.  Peuter [Penten ?] went to Port to get varis things.  Sudan grass arrived as well.-

— 30 —

Friday.  Hot day NE wind 32°  looking stormy.  Did not go out this morning.  In afternoon (as we had not heard from the port of any steamer leaving by day from Las Palmas) we went to Campo Est Bermejo & telefoned to Las Palmas who said a Bhah [Boat?] would leave Las Palmas about 8 to 8.30 for Corrientes & would send an autovia to meet us a Kil 90 at 5 AM. sharp. Sunday morning.-
Telegram from 3 Lag saying had rained 30 mm this morning.—

Oct. 1- Saturday

Kil 90.- Rained last night 12mm but double at Paso Oro.  Saw the plantel in morning & then went with Peuton in car to Campo Raffo, called on the mayordomo Maciel who said we could have roots of Giant Canes, which we went to see on the Oro.  Offered Ahumado who went as baqueano $20 if he could get me ½ doz matas with roots put at Est C Winter.  After tea went in car with Peuten, OB & I to Kil 90. where we stop the night with Old Hardy.  as we have to leave in morning in Auto via for puerto L Palmes.  Bring with us the paroquet Panchito, some plants of cactus etc, & a Cuervo head.  Look like more rain.

— 2 — Hotel B. Aires Corrientes

Sunday. Rained slightly during night but very heavily on way to L Palmas & port. Left in auto via 4 AM & arrived at Las Palmas 7.20 & then direct to port & awaited till nearly 10 for the lanchita Pago Largo o’ Libra.  Very slippery getting on. Mario Bonilla - Jefe [?] Almacen Las Palmas to send things to CWinter.  arrived here at 1 PM. had lunch at hotel & siesta.  Afterwards got tickets for Rosario $81.- each, but its only 78. to BAires.  There took taxi to experimental place garden but it was closed being Sunday.-  Went to Cinema at night but as it was a love story so we came out.  Met Caincross at cocktail time. Bot lottery tickts No. 24140 710 S Fé.

cabin 55. — 3 — on board Gral Alvear.

Monday. Rained during night & over cast day. & cold Went to market before coming on board but not very interesting.  steamer left Corrientes at 7.45 AM as had to await steamer Iguazu.  Got as far as Goya at evening.  Dont know any one on board.

4   Palace Hotel Rosario.

Tuesday.  About 7.30 AM passed Santo Helena very cold morning but clear.  Passed Parana 12.45  Diamante about 4 & reached Rosario 7.45  no trouble at custom house.  Cold day.  wind E.  Went to cinema after dinner. Will Rogers (King Arthur)

— 5. — Las 3 Lagunas

Fine day.  N wind.  In morning shopping bought wire netting 6 rolls of 35 M each for CWinter 73.80 & 1 pg grampas .70 at Cehurrua [?] & Morcilla, also bought there for 3 Lag 1 roll of gal mosquito netting 46.50  Also bought for C Winter cutlery glasses etc to be sent up to Las Palmas.

1933 - July 1 to 30

[Days written entirely in pencil or in ink.]

Palace Hotel

Sunday. July 1 1933

On way to Campo Winter with OB, Miss Spackman, John & Mary.  Recuento a Las 3 Lagunas, so we leave it for our return.  Aftosa in camp.
Left by 3 PM train & reaching Rosario got our tickets f Steamer Corrientes to Las Palmas return $637.-  After dinner went to cinema.

— 2 —

Monday Sunday. On steamer “Corrientes” on way to Las Palmas.  Left Rosario about 9 A.M.  state rooms 36-38.  quite good cabins (John in top bunk.) got to Parana about 7 P.M.  Fine cool day N.  no wind.  Only one I know on board is Areco. Katching a cold.

Tuesday Monday 3

   on board steamer “Ciudad de Corrientes.”  Fine day.  first port we passed was Esquina & in evening Bella Vista.  Fine day.  Huge manga of locusts in island in front of Goya.  Areca says Sorondas camp of 40000 hect was sold to Nogues, Mrs Hardy and Bruces at a fraction over $5.- per hectarea.  Good piano musician on board.

4 Tuesday.

Campo Winter.  Much warmer day fine & balmy.  Arrived in Corrientes about 5 & left again about 8 am.  Went to market & the parque.  Arrived at Las Palmas 11.15 had lunch first.  Brownrigg joined us at Corrientes.  The Auto via met us at the port, called in at the factory, met Bonilla & Mr Nogues [?].  Hardy had sent his autovia also to bring out our luggage.  Mr Hamilton & Paton met us at Kil 90 & brought us here.  3 hours in auto via from Las Palmas factory.  Since 2 American ladies we met on board were going to Asuncion.  Had frosts here and grass around house looks burnt.  Cochrane one of J Bells pupils here

July 5. 1933 Wednesday.

Campo Winter.  Warm north wind N.E. 28°.  In morning went with Forel to jaguel in potrero Plantel with Liva who made it.  Wants filling up around it.  In afternoon they brought up cattle of Potrero Palma.  I on horseback went to look at them. quite good condition & lots of small calves which they are going to señalar.


Thursday. Strong N wind 28½°.  In morning began doing up books.  After tea with OB, Miss Spackman, & Mary motored to Oro & paso in monte, gathering cactus etc.  John helping Hamilton with cattle brought up yesterday with Cochrane also.  Looks stormy.

— 7 —

Friday.  Wind changed to south strong & was a cold overcast day.  Went in car to rodeo at windmill in Potrero Envernada & revised the novillos.  Guess will be about 600 to sell next year.-  Doing up May accounts of May.-  Feeding about a dozen horses on maiz.

— 8 —

Cold day mostly overcast S 10°  In morning went with Mr Hamilton Miss Spackman & Mary in car to Colonia Zapallar, got some things at Arca & Santos & Las Palmas store.  Also went to post office & Ford agency.  Hardy & Donné.  Say cotton is worth $180 ton in Zapallar & 230 in Resistencia.  Roads drying up.  Nothing much doing as too cold to work cattle.


Sunday.  Cold day 3° SE clear.  After tea went in car with Hamilton, OB Spackman Mary & John to reigonal [?] west of house.  Brownrigg came in afternoon until 6 P.M.  Bro’t mail for here & a telg f 3 Lag.

Campo Winter
— July 10 — Monday.-

Coldist frost of season -30°. mostly over cast & east wind.-
In afternoon went with car to Windmill of Oro & then to Rio Oro south, all hands. looking for cactus ferns etx.-
Paton brought [bought ?] a tatu quite for which will be eaten tomorrow.  Mr Hardy sent a piece of fish.

— 11 — Tuesday.

Coldish day clear SW 9°+
Doing up accounts most of day.  Miss Spackman John & Mary out on horseback in morning with Cochrane.-

12 Wednesday.

Cold day in wind S.W. 3°+
In morning went in car Hamilton myself Miss Spackman Mary & John to Sombrerito.  Went to monte South end of camp Lovely monte very high trees  Saw 7 or 8 monkeys.  Also the big quebracho tree 3½ meters in circumference. 1.50 from ground.  8 mts to nearest orqueta weighing to these about 10400 K
Used about 2 cu.m. the two branches [?].  Got back by lunch.

Hamilton says the baño at Sombrerito uses two litros p animal average big & small with out the small calves at a cost of 9 cts (4½ cts per litre. Baño Londres [?] 1000 litres water to 3½ litros fluido.  Here at the CWinter the dip uses about 16 more than at Sombrerito.—
looked like steamer passing up this evening from Puerto Bermejo

- 13 - Thursday.

Cold day E 3°+ frost.  Doing up books in morning. Hamilton & kids & Spockman riding in morning to river & camp.

Julio 14 1933 Friday

Not so cold E 1°+
Had the bulls in corral curing of scab (some) with oil.-
Also had the plantel up at same time about 170 cows & heifers.  Some not so bad. Its a pity cant get mocho durham bulls for them.
Balance my a/cs with the Estancia books.
After tea went to Puerto with OB Mary & Miss Spackman in car.  saw the steamer going down a short distance from puerto.  Goes down again on 24th  Mr Hamilton to Kil 90 to get garrupatucida, John & Cochrane going on.

— 15 — Saturday

Wind S W again 4°+ frost.
Miss Spackman Mary & John with Cochrane to Oro, had a spill in water. Spackman & Cochrn
Finished balance of end of year.
OB with Mr Hamilton, Spackman and Mary to woods north to gather plants.

— 16 —   Sunday

SW wind 2°+ coldish day S W wind. Guess will get colder.  Bad reports of cold down south according to papers which Brownrigg brought today.—  In morning we all went to picnic to S end of Campo Sombrerito in monte where we went on 12th. Hamilton Cochrane, OB Miss Spackman, Mary John & myself.  Saw no monkeys but its a fine forest.  Came back in time for tea.
Seems frost is very bad all over the country.

Monday - July 17th 1933

Another coldish day S W 3°+
They were desgraining yellow (canario) maiz 27 bags 67 K average weight all morning. (5 men)  Went to west side of camp with Mary on horse back to fence south of Raffo gate, to laguna where Miss Spackman had been spilt into water.  Heard monkeys howling.

— 18 —

Tuesday. Fine day 7°+ wind  went to W & in evening to S again.  Had a long ride to Alderetes tapera, Lag. Verde & back by windmill of envernada.  Camp seems to get more cockfoat in it.  Novillos looking well.  Went with Hamilton Mary & old Cperero.  Mr Santos called in afternoon, wanting to sell a camp in Formosa oposito Uriburu camp.  OB & Mary with Hamilton to hear monkys howl when we went yesterday.  Desgraining more maiz of Nuny.-  Books are finished.

— July 19th — Wednesday.

Wind to N slight & a warmer day fog & frost 4°+
Hamilton with camion taking 1st load of maiz sold to Las Palmas at $5. put at Kil. 90 bags put by buyer.  In afternoon we went all to hear the monkeys howl to the west, but heard nothing.

— 20 —

Thursday. Warmer day 5°+ slight frost.  Went in motor car all day with Mr Hamilton OB Mary & Spackman to Las Rosals & then to Fortin Presidencio Reca [Rocca ?].  Had lunch at Mr H Hardy where we met his son & wife, sister in law & father in law from Resistencia.  Also a Mr Reaves ex accountant of N E RR.  Had lunch there & then went on to Reca [Rocca ?], altogether made 101 K.  Road [?] at Puerto Zapallar yesterday [?] uneven [?] & almaceneros

Mr H Hardy Esq address
  Navegacion Rio Bermejo
    Kil 232.
to send papers to.-

July 21 1933

Friday.  Fine balmy day. NE & S wind slight.
In morning walked to corral.  After tea went with OB & Paton to Paton’s house with Acnto [camion ? written over].  Hamilton hauled 5 loads of fire wood from Raigon.
He & Miss Spackman & kids to Oro in afternoon

— 22 —

Saturday.  Fine day.  S wind slight. 11°+ bit cloudy.-
In morning went to well in Piquete Plantel where they were filling up.  Sawing wood. Hamilton & kids horseback in Pot Palmas.  They say whistle of steamer was heard about 2.30 PM

Sunday.    July 23 1933

Hamilton & kids & Cochrane out towards Oro Killed a toucan & saw monkeys.  Great Joy for the kids.  Took OB in car to Campo Estancia Bermejo, but Brownrigg was not at home.  He came in afternoon for tea.  Steamer was heard coming up about 7.15 here.

— 24 — Capt Brailia V Solis.-

On board MOP 114 Puerto Zapallar  Had notice steamer was repientred [expected ?] at the Puerto as she left about 1 PM Recaso went with car & camion at 4.30 & had to await about an hour at the Port.  Steamer stops the night.  Steamer nice & clean— tipped cook & mucama (Pablo) $10 each.-  Had drinks on bord before Paton, Hamilton & Cochrane left.-  Hamilton had 2 trips today to find out about sailling.- Promised to see about a centrifugal pump. Send sheep skins to Paton.

July 25 1933

Tuesday.  On board MOP 114 about 55 Kil on Rio Bermejo-  Left Puerto Zapallar about 6. am passed Uriburu about 11 am.  River being low go slowly.  Areco got on board in afternoon.  Kids saw a lot of yacares before lunch, about 100, at 10 cts each which OB offered.  lot more in afternoon.-
Warm day, N very hot for siesta,

— 26 —

Wednesday.  Corrientes Hotel B Aires.
Left again last nights at 6 AM & arrived at mouth of river at 10.30 & to Puerto Bermejo about 11.15.  Saw lots of enormous yacares in Bermejo river.  Changed to bigger steamer at Puerto Bermejo  M.O.P no 119 stopped about an hour at Las Palmas cotton.  Saw Arcas at Puerto Bermejo- Capt D. S. Severiano Veron.

— 27 —

Thursday.  Hotel B Aires Corrientes  Warm day.  Enormous manga of locusts here from 3 PM on.-
In morning went to barber, port, & bought a Palo Santo box at the turners. $8.  then to the bird shop & bought a fine big parrot for $15. & then a bird cage for 3.- for him.  After tea went for a drive to Hippodrome etc.-  Cinema at night.

— 28 —

Friday.  on Board “Ciudad de Asuncion.  Corrientes.
Went on board 7 am & found at last that steamer would not leave here until midnight as the steamer from Posadas which makes conection was stuck in river.  Did some shopping in morning & afternoon more to get exercise.  Very few passengers.-

July 29 - 1933

on board “Ciudad de Asuncion” Saturday.  Temporal blowing all day & cold.  The steamer from Posadas did not arrive until 2.30 this morning when her passengers were transfered Katherine Campbell & 3 other girls amongst them.  American bookseller on board, ordered a Volume Library from him, to be delivered 60 days (M Becaye) for 13.50 Gold. (had paid 7.50 papers.)  Passed Goya 3 PM about.-  Nothing much doing on board.-

— 30 —

Las 3 Lagunas.  Sunday.
Passed Parana in morning about 8-  & arrived Rosario 2.20 PM & just had time to catch the 3 PM train to C de Gomez where Martin in Hup & Juan Cuerova in camion met us & reached here 6 PM.  Very dry as has not rained a drop last 2 months at least & hard frosts nearly all month.  Had no trouble in custom house but had to open every thing.  Fine day.  here -4°.

1934 - September 8 to 28

[Written almoste entirely in ink.
Begins at Ea. “Las Tres Lagunas”, Las Rosas/SFé

Trip C. Winter 1934
Sept. 8     Palace Hotel Rosario

Terrible hurricane blowing all night SW.  Cleared up today.  Left for Rosario in afternoon train AB, OB, Mary, Miss Spackman, & Malcolm B who joined us at La California Station, who is going as my guest. Went to steamer office but was closed went to barber, having a bad cold. Hotel Palace very full: congress of Doctors.

Sunday — 9 — S.S. Ciudad de Corrientes.

Weather better but quite cool.  Steamer supposed to leave at 10.30 but did not until 2. PM: bajante del Rio.  Our cabins 36-38-40.  Only one on board is Silguere.  Steamer is full & many passengers on excursion to Corumba.  Called on at Diamante at 7.13 P.M. & supposed to get to Parana midnight.


Monday.  Warmer weather N wind.  Nearly stuck on mud banks several times.  Passed Santa Elena about 6.30 am.  LaPaz 9.  Esquina 3.40 PM & Goya at midnight.  Stopped to unload empty boxes at Goya.  Will be getting very late to Corrientes tomorrow.  Had some bridge after dinner with an engineer from Formosa: Florentino Gerleri. won $1.- who speaks English having been to school in N. America.

Tuesday Sept 11 Hotel Las Palmas.

Fine hazy day E no wind. Not doing much on ℀ of my cold or grippe.

Tuesday Sept 11   Hotel Las Palmas

Stormy last night & strong SE wind (2° at 3 Lag)
Reached Corrientes 3.15 PM & left again 5 PM arriving at Las Palmas 7.30 PM.  Lots of passengers got off at Corrientes.  River very low & touched bottom several times.  Had dinner on board.  Enrique Bonilla was on board & wife & he sent her, OB, Mary & Miss Spackman on 1st auto-via to Hotel & we went afterwards (one hour.).  Called on Negues & Serosa, Mrs Word and old Mrs Bonilla & Danay the mayordomo.  Socs Sugar cane crop very good 135000 bags giving 8% of cane weight.  Malcolm & I sleep in dining room & the 3 females in one room.

Wednesday 12   C. Winter

Cool day S.E wind.  Left Las Palmas in auto via at 7.30 AM & arrived Kil 90 12 AM. where Hamilton & Paton were awaiting us.  40 minutes to Estancia, & bringing all our luggage with us.   Still have a cold. Place looks well but will want rain soon.,

Setbr. 13 Jueves

Fine hazy day. E wind none.  Not doing any thing on a⁄ of my cold or grippe.
Malcolm went to River in morning with Hamilton.  In afternoon he went with Phyliss to monte on fual [foot ?].  & saw a band of monkeys.

14 Viernes

Warmer day, no wind east.  In morning with Phyliss & Hamilton to corral where they are curing cows of plantel, about 180 head including 2 yr old heifers.  then to where Guerero is sowing maiz, & to Patons house.  In afternoon Hamilton took the rest in car to monte hunting plants.  Still have grippe & Mary a cough.

15 Sabado.

Warm 25° muggy stormy looking day, lighning in evening S.E.  Grippe still got me in chest.  Walked in evening to jaguel in Pot. Plantel.  Rest of them on horseback, xcept OB, in Pol Palmar.  Put up a 15 m Palm for radio, which in mornings does not work.

Sept 16 Sunday.

Fine day.  All but Mary & I went to Zapallar in morning with Hamilton, to bring out wire etc for the antena.  Being a muggy day, the antena did not seem to have made any diference.  Mr. Mrs Brownrigg called in afternoon.  Barm [barometer] low, looking more like rain.

17 Monday.

South wind but not cold, over cast most of day.  Rodeo Palmar, but I did not go as my congested breast is still bad.  trying Cedron Paraquaya in mah [?] & Vicks Vapo-Rub which seems good.  Malcolm shooting yacare etc & generally enjoying himself.  Compared books.

18 Tuesday.

Drizzly day 9 mm.  Still have a bad chest.  Not much going on.  Radio says bad storm in B.Aires.  Recd telegram from 3 Lag.

19 Wednesday

Rained 4 mm last night -  & an over cast warm damp day.  My grippe getting better, not out of house all day.  Radio going better, with ground wire (copper).  Heard official maiz price today Rosario 6.40

Sept 20 Jueves

Cleared up with S wind.  Had telegram saying had 42 mm rain at 3 Lagunas.
Still having grippe.

21 Viernes

Warmer day S E wind.  Clearing up.
Had a long walk to Rhodes Grass where harrowing in view of cutting later on.
In afternoon to corrales where M Turneo [Turnco, Turner ?] parted 5 cows at $34.  fat animales very scarce.

22 Saturday

Warmer day N.E.  Did not do much in day.  In afternoon we all had tea at the Brownriggs at Estancia Cia Bermejo.
Says martineta are picking maiz out of ground.  he shot 2.

23 Sunday

Warm day N wind dry.  We all went in car & camion, also Paton, to monte south of Sombrerito.  Paton & I taking de Jesus to see Raul Uriburu at El Carmen.  It seems they want to sell there camp in testamenteria 5600 hect.  Revised the S side, seems well stocked.

24 Monday

Warm day N wind.  In morning with Hamilton Mary, Malcolm & Miss Spackman on horse back thro bull paddock to see about the water question.  In afternoon in car with OB, Hamilton and the rest to isleta towards the port looking for cactus etc.  Ramseyer, son & another chap called to see if could buy novillas, but they have aftosa.

25 Tuesday

Windy day looking stormy to south.  Hamilton & Malcolm brought a load of square posts & vaillas from El Lunar varillas 18cts unbored.  Walked in afternoon with Miss Spackman to monte & around.  OB to Patons.

26 Wednesday

Slight rain of 2 mm in morning early.
Stopped work of dipping at Sombrerito.
After tea called on at Brownrigg & got the mail.  OB etc collecting cactus in afternoon.

Thursday - 27 - Hotel Savoy Resistencia

Warm day, fresh in morning.
OB & I left for 3 Lag. at 12.30 in Estancia Ford & Camion taking our luggage.  Mary Miss Spackman & Malcolm went as far as Zapallar with us.

[in pencil] a la vuelta

[Note in pencil - shown here in bold]
1/10/32 Things left at CWinter

Saddle, Whip Porlainas, old blue suit flannel trousers, cartriges, Big white silk hankerchief, 3 old collars, 2 pr shoes. 1 tie wool vestil [?], Panama hat.-

[in pencil] de la vuelta

We had intended going with auto via Quijano to Lapachita, but it was not in working order so the Ford agent Cisnero bro’t us to Resistencia in our car 2 PM Zapallar & 6.30 to French station.  Roads dry & bumpy in places.  Met Erea here.  To barber.  Vargas Gomez the escribano not at home.

Sept 28 Friday

On train to Rosario. Left on 6.34 train, quite a good fresh day:  Despatched bag with saddle & a box of cactus by encom. to Rosario, (Found when arrived in Rosario tomorrow that only the saddle had been despatched.  Station master promised to get it for us.

29 Saturdos   3 Lag.

Fine cool day. E.  Arrived in Rosario & took 7.30 train to C de G. where Martin awaited for us in Huf.  Weather while we were away was very variable cool, little sun & slight rains.  Linseed looking well maiz not up yet.  Grass coming on slowly.  No locust yet.

[Alfred filled the notebook to the last line of its last page; the fly is blank.]

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)